Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2019 for various Managers and IT Officers, The PNB Jobs 2019 notification has been published on 1st February 2019. But, The Punjab National Bank official website said, the recruitment process has been postponed till further notice.
Punjab National Bank, New Delhi invites applications from Indian Citizens of Male Hockey Players in the Clerical Cadre (Clerk) under Sports quota. The last date for submitting application is 3rd February 2018.
Post Name
No of Vacancies
Clerical Cadre under Sports Quota (Male Hockey Players)
Age Limit: 18 to 26 Years as on 01/01/2018. The Upper age relaxation - 05 Years for SC / ST, 03 Years for OBC, 05 Years for All persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during 01.01.80 to 31.12.89, 03 Years for Children/ Family members of those who died in the 1984 riots.
Pay Scale: ₹ 11765-655(3), 13730-815(3), 16175-980(4), 20095-1145(7), 28110-2120(1), 30230-1310(1), 31540 (20 Years) besides other allowances like DA, HRA etc. as per Bank Rules.
Educational Qualification: Should have passed the 10th standard (Matric) examination or its equivalent.
Sports Qualification: Should have represented the State in a National event or the district in a State-level event with distinction, or his University in an inter-University event with distinction or should have been a member of the Combined Universities Team.
Selection Process: Selection will be made on the basis of Sports Performance/ Field Trials and Interview. The candidates selected will be posted in Delhi.
Application Fee (A Non-refundable): ₹ 50/- Intimation charges only for SC/ST/PC/ Ex-servicemen Categories, ₹ 300/- for all others. The application fee has to be paid in cash, at any branch of Punjab National Bank. The candidate must download the Cash voucher, in duplicate, from PNB India website. The same be duly filled up and presented at the Branch, along with the application fee/intimation charges on or before 03.02.2018. After payment, the candidate must obtain his copy of the cash voucher from the cashier at the branch and ensure that the transaction ID generated is entered in the cash voucher by the Cashier.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates apply in the prescribed application form. The application complete in all respects along with a copy of cash deposit voucher and copies of other supporting documents should be reach to Chief Manager (Recruitment Section), Human Resource Management Division Head Office: 1st Floor, Plot No. 4, West Wing, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 by Speed / Registered Post. The postal cover envelope super-scribed 'Application for the post of Hockey Player'. The last date for submitting application is 03/02/2018.
Qualification and Experience:
Senior Manager(Credit)
specialization in Finance) or equivalent post-graduation degree/ diploma from
any AICTE approved institute
Minimum 5 years of
post-qualification experience in Banks/PSU/Corporate High Value Credit/ NBFC.
Manager (Credit)
specialization in Finance) or equivalent post-graduation degree/ diploma from
any AICTE approved institute
Minimum 3 years of
post-qualification experience in Banks/PSU/Corporate High Value Credit/ NBFC.
Senior Manager (Law)
Graduate with a degree in law
or law graduate who has passed 05 years integrated course from the university
recognized by the Govt. of India.
Minimum of 7 years:- i) Active
experience as practising advocate.
OR ii)
As Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial
Bank/State or Central Govt./PSU.
with a degree in law or law graduate who has passed 05 years integrated
course from the university recognized by the Govt. of India.
of 3years:- i) Active experience as practising advocate.
OR ii)
As Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled
Bank/State or Central Govt./PSU.
years full time (not through Distance Mode of Education) Post Graduate
Degree/Diploma in Personnel Management/ Industrial Relations/HR/HRD/HRM/
Labour Law.
3 years experience as officer, in the field of HR in Scheduled Commercial
Banks/PSUs/ Central or State Govt. Departments/ Listed Corporate Entity(with
Manpower of over 2000 employees)
time course in MCA/ B.E7 B.Tech Degree in Electronics and Communication/
Computer Science/ Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Science & Technology/
Information Technology from a University/ Institute recognized by the Govt.
Of India or its Regulatory Bodies.
01 year experience as on date of application in software development
/handling & maintaining of database / networking / cyber security/data
analytics etc.